Well I’ve been cooking, baking and playing the kitchen since I was 10 or 11. It started with mixing flour and water together to make dough as a child, to making homemade french-fries and cakes, and now it’s searching, testing and loving vegan recipes. I pride myself on being able to do basic and not so basic things in the kitchen. I feel that knowing my way around a kitchen is what is going to keep me on track when it comes to veganism.
Back in 2007, I made my way to going green. It was a logical choice for me since I care about how my actions impact others. When researching everything I could about being green and green products, I noticed a lot of vegetarian and vegan ideas. I know a lot of vegetarians and vegans say you can’t be an environmentalist and eat meat, which makes sense. Caring for the planet also means caring for her non-human earthlings and what better way to care for them than becoming a vegetarian. But the more I learned about the dairy industry and factory farming, the more I wanted to steer away from animal products/by-products all together. The videos and pictures of the horrors that animals endure daily have changed me forever and I can never un-see the pain and suffering, nor would I want to. They have helped shape my views and who I am today and helped me find my way to veganism.
So, this blog is going to showcase my best tested and favorite recipes and my ideas, thoughts and tips for the transition to veganism. I am not an expert, nor do I claim to be one, but I feel that I could help someone, somewhere with making the change.